Deliciously scented body oil restores an even skin tone as it promotes instant radiance, softness and shimmer to dull lifeless skin. Moisturizes and nourishes with Sweet Almond Oil and improves skins elasticity as it heals, smoothes and regenerates skins texture.
Formato: 250 mL
Olio corpo deliziosamente profumato, ripristina un tono uniforme della pelle donando morbidezza e brillantezza istantanee sulla pelle opaca. Idrata e nutre con olio di mandorle dolci e migliora l'elasticità della pelle mentre leviga e rigenera la sua struttura. Un prodotto eccezionale per una sensazione setosa su braccia e gambe.
Deliciously scented body oil restores an even skin tone as it promotes instant radiance, softness and shimmer to dull lifeless...
So White! Ultra-refreshing Shower Gel is infused with a revitalizing blend of Pomegranate and Melon extracts designed to pamper and uplift your mood. Hydrating glycerin properties leave your skin feeling silky, soft, and smooth, all day long.
Formato: 1000 mL
Gel doccia ultra-rinfrescante e rivitalizzante con estratti di melone e melograno.Con glicerina super idratante, rende la pelle morbida e liscia per tutta la giornata.
So White! Ultra-refreshing Shower Gel is infused with a revitalizing blend of Pomegranate and Melon extracts designed to pamper and...
Intense Argan Oil addresses uneven skin tone and face dark spots, restoring clarity and radiance.
Formato: 30 mL
L'olio di Argan intenso migliora il tono della pelle irregolare e le macchie scure del viso, restituendo chiarezza e luminosità.
Intense Argan Oil addresses uneven skin tone and face dark spots, restoring clarity and radiance. Formato: 30 mL L'olio di...
Dry oil enriched with Argan oil and Vitamin E. Formulated to nourish, clarify, and unify skin leaving it silky soft.
Formato: 200 mL
Olio secco arricchito con olio di Argan e vitamina E . Formulato per nutrire, schiarire e unificare la pelle lasciandola morbida come la seta.
Dry oil enriched with Argan oil and Vitamin E. Formulated to nourish, clarify, and unify skin leaving it silky soft....
One of its kind, this rich velvety moisturizing cream deeply hydrates, reducing appearance of dry flaky skin. Anti-aging collagen complex, nourishes, strengthens and protects skin's elasticity, promoting healthy supple firm skin. Potent hydrating complex enhances skin's comfort, restoring radiance and softness. Skin is left feeling quenched and smooth, wrapped in an exquisitely fragrant silk-like caress.
Directions: Apply as often as needed to dry cleansed skin.
Recommendation: Excellent moisturizer for colder climates, especially in the winter season.
Skin type: Dry/Dehydrated Skin
Main Ingredients: Glycerin, Hydrolyzed Collagen
One of its kind, this rich velvety moisturizing cream deeply hydrates, reducing appearance of dry flaky skin. Anti-aging collagen...
Dry skin deserves a little extra pampering with this delicious scented non-greasy body lotion designed to soften, smooth and moisturize ashy dry skin. Nourishing and hydrating glycerine work together with skin soothing almond oil to boost skin's comfort, providing long lasting softness and intense hydration all in one bottle. Skin is brighter, even toned and more radiant than ever.
Directions: Apply as often as needed.
Recommendation: To protect skin from moisture loss, apply generously as often as needed.
Skin type: All skin types
Main Ingredients: Almond Oil, Diacetyl Phosphate
Dry skin deserves a little extra pampering with this delicious scented non-greasy body lotion designed to soften, smooth and moisturize...
Gel doccia SO WHITE revitalizzante pulisce in profondità e uniforma la texture della pelle.SCRUB: elimina le cellule morte in modo delicato per una pelle più brillante
Gel doccia SO WHITE revitalizzante pulisce in profondità e uniforma la texture della pelle.SCRUB: elimina le cellule morte in modo...
Enjoy its lightness softness and unique and gently melting texture. Enriched with a clarifying agent, it softens, smoothes and unifies your complexion. To be used as a treatment in association with a Skin Perfector care.
Enjoy its lightness softness and unique and gently melting texture. Enriched with a clarifying agent, it softens, smoothes and unifies...
Moisturizing ingredients have been combined with lightening agent to nourish and lighten your skin. The smooth structure of this milk makes it a true pleasure care product that leaves an attractive perfume on your more even and satin-like skin.
Moisturizing ingredients have been combined with lightening agent to nourish and lighten your skin. The smooth structure of this milk...
Maxi Tone combines a lightening active ingredient with the antioxidant properties of Vitamin E; it evens out and brightens the complexion.
Formato: 350 mL
Maxi Tone unisce un principio attivo schiarente alle proprietà antiossidanti della Vitamina E; uniforma e illumina l'incarnato.
Maxi Tone combines a lightening active ingredient with the antioxidant properties of Vitamin E; it evens out and brightens the...
Exfoliating Shower Gel formulated to buff away dead skin cells with GOLD Apricot Seed Powder, the purest of gentle microbeads. Its rich foaming action delicately smoothes and softens skin texture, enhancing skins radiance. Invigorating scent leaves your skin feeling fresh, clean and energized.
Formato: 940 mL
Gel doccia esfoliante formulato per eliminare le cellule morte della pelle con polvere di semi di albicocca GOLD, la più pura delle microsfere delicate. La sua ricca azione schiumosa leviga e ammorbidisce delicatamente la grana della pelle, esaltandone la luminosità. Il profumo tonificante lascia la pelle fresca, pulita ed energizzata.
Exfoliating Shower Gel formulated to buff away dead skin cells with GOLD Apricot Seed Powder, the purest of gentle microbeads....
Rich revitalizing body lotion. Its nourishing and brightening active properties smooth skin tone as it diminishes the appearance of dark spots on stubborn body areas such as knees, elbows, knuckles and feet.
Formato: 500 mL
Ricca lozione per il corpo rivitalizzante. Le sue proprietà attive nutrienti e illuminanti levigano il tono della pelle diminuendo la comparsa di macchie scure sulle aree ostinate del corpo come ginocchia, gomiti, nocche e piedi.
Rich revitalizing body lotion. Its nourishing and brightening active properties smooth skin tone as it diminishes the appearance of dark...
Enhanced with Glycerin and Vitamin “E”, this lotion quenches dry/dehydrated skin, restoring skin’s texture back to its soft, silky healthy appearance.
Formato: 500 mL
Arricchita con glicerina e vitamina "E", questa lozione disseta la pelle secca/disidratata, ripristinando la struttura della pelle al suo aspetto sano, morbido e setoso.
Enhanced with Glycerin and Vitamin “E”, this lotion quenches dry/dehydrated skin, restoring skin’s texture back to its soft, silky healthy...
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