Formulated with natural sweet almond this oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin from the formation of melanin, improving pigment imperfections and leaving the skin soft, smooth and silky.
Formato: 125 mL
Formulato con mandorle dolci naturali, questo olio idrata e nutre la pelle dalla formazione di melanina, migliorando le imperfezioni dei pigmenti e lasciando la pelle morbida, liscia e setosa.
Formulated with natural sweet almond this oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin from the formation of melanin, improving pigment imperfections...
Lotion enriched with extracts of sweet almond this moisturizer is recommended for babies sensitive and fragile skin, protecting and softening it.
Formato: 1000 mL
Lozione arricchita con estratti di mandorla dolce questa crema idratante è consigliata per la pelle sensibile e fragile dei neonati, proteggendola e ammorbidendola.
Lotion enriched with extracts of sweet almond this moisturizer is recommended for babies sensitive and fragile skin, protecting and softening...
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