Intense and very fast lightening treatment made with carrot oil. This nourishing moisturizer corrects dark spots and evens skin tone helping you find a healthier and brighter complexion.
Formato: 500 mL
Trattamento schiarente intenso e rapidissimo a base di olio di carota. Questa crema idratante nutriente corregge le macchie scure e uniforma il tono della pelle aiutandoti a trovare una carnagione più sana e luminosa.
Intense and very fast lightening treatment made with carrot oil. This nourishing moisturizer corrects dark spots and evens skin tone...
This beauty soap hydrates and perfumes your skin silky. Brightens your complexion and eliminates impurities leaving your skin smoother and healthier.
Formato: 200g
Questo sapone di bellezza idrata e profuma la tua pelle setosa. Illumina la tua carnagione ed elimina le impurità lasciando la pelle più liscia e sana.
This beauty soap hydrates and perfumes your skin silky. Brightens your complexion and eliminates impurities leaving your skin smoother and healthier....
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