A potent fast absorbing facial serum specifically formulated to lighten skin discoloration and firm and brighten with Vitamin "C".
Formato: 30 mL
Un potente siero viso ad assorbimento rapido specificamente formulato per schiarire le discromie della pelle e rassodare e illuminare con vitamina "C".
A potent fast absorbing facial serum specifically formulated to lighten skin discoloration and firm and brighten with Vitamin "C". Formato:...
A potent lightening facial serum specifically formulated to fade skin discoloration, brightening overall complexion.
Formato: 30 mL
Un potente siero viso schiarente formulato specificatamente per attenuare le discromie della pelle, illuminando l'incarnato generale
A potent lightening facial serum specifically formulated to fade skin discoloration, brightening overall complexion. Formato: 30 mL Un potente siero...
Formulated to even out overall facial discoloration. Reduces stubborn blotchy, brown spots, acne scarring and/or uneven skin tone.
Formato: 30 mL
Formulato per uniformare le discromie generali del viso. Riduce le chiazze ostinate, le macchie marroni, le cicatrici da acne e/o il tono della pelle non uniforme.
Formulated to even out overall facial discoloration. Reduces stubborn blotchy, brown spots, acne scarring and/or uneven skin tone. Formato: 30...
Brightening Serum with Carrot Oil with perfect texture. For a radiant more beautiful and even skin.
Formato: 30 mL
Siero illuminante con Olio di Carota dalla texture perfetta. Per una pelle radiosa, più bella e uniforme.
Brightening Serum with Carrot Oil with perfect texture. For a radiant more beautiful and even skin. Formato: 30 mL Siero...
This serum contains Glutathione, a detoxifying agent, combined with the stimulating benefits of Vitamin C. Its luscious texture is ideal for applying its anti dark spot benefits. For radiant, soft and even-looking skin with a revitalized look.
Formato: 30 mL
Questo siero contiene glutatione, un agente disintossicante, combinato con i benefici stimolanti della vitamina C. La sua consistenza deliziosa è ideale per applicare i suoi benefici anti-macchie. Per una pelle luminosa, morbida e uniforme dall'aspetto rivitalizzato.
This serum contains Glutathione, a detoxifying agent, combined with the stimulating benefits of Vitamin C. Its luscious texture is ideal...
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