Françoise Bedon
Carefully designed for the hands, feet, elbows and knees. This cream treatment helps unify and clarify intense areas of discolored pigment while moisturizing the skin.
Formato: 150 mL
Progettato con cura per mani, piedi, gomiti e ginocchia. Questo trattamento in crema aiuta a unificare e schiarire le aree intense di pigmento scolorito idratando la pelle.
Carefully designed for the hands, feet, elbows and knees. This cream treatment helps unify and clarify intense areas of discolored...
Extra strength multi-vitamin formula lightens and helps reduce dark areas of the skin especially focusing on knees and elbows. Skin is left silky, clear and luminous complexion.
Formato: 200 mL
La formula multivitaminica extra forte schiarisce e aiuta a ridurre le aree scure della pelle, concentrandosi soprattutto su ginocchia e gomiti. La pelle ritrova un colorito setoso, chiaro e luminoso.
Extra strength multi-vitamin formula lightens and helps reduce dark areas of the skin especially focusing on knees and elbows. Skin...
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